This paper explores the risks of using the artificial drug supplements, Creatine and Androstenedione, which are believed to have athletic enhancing properties.
This paper discusses that 60 percent of athletes in high school and college sports uses artificial supplements to gain weight mass and to become stronger faster. After his research, the author believes firmly that these supplements should be banned from athletics all together. The paper states that fans don't care as long as they are entertained and are having fun at games; coaches just want their teams to be successful, which sometimes includes doing other forms of training or aids to help the athletes.
According to this article, Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid in everyone's body. It is taken to significantly enhance reserves in your muscle fuel tank, allowing you to work out longer and more intensely. Creatine monohydrate, the most common form of creatine, is commercially available as powder, gum, candy, tablets, and gel. It is available in pure form or combined with other dietary supplements (e.g. carbohydrates, amino acids, electrolytes, and/or herbal preparations). There is no evidence to show that it's anabolic--that is, that it's going to build muscle in and of itself. But it could lead to modest muscle gain because it allows you to work out harder. Androstenedione is a sex steroid hormone, which is converted in your body to testosterone.